Bill 212 is a gross…


Bill 212 is a gross violation of local democracy.

I live, pay taxes, drive, walk, shop, and cycle in Toronto.

Bike lanes have improved our neighbourhoods considerably, with support from local businesses and residents alike.

No far-away provincial government has any place dictating what our city does with our streets, just as people in Toronto should have no say over how streets are used in a small town.

The people that live here, work here, go to school here, run businesses here, and pay taxes here want bike lanes on many of our streets. Blocking that progress -or worse, undoing the progress already made- for the perceived convenience of a few drivers is the kind of decision-making that will cause real economic harm to many and get some people killed.

Instead of interfering with local roads, the Ontario government should be fixing the 401 and other highways. They're a mess of endless trucks, endless traffic jams, endless construction, and all too many destructive and deadly crashes. That's the province's jurisdiction and responsibility, and what the people of Ontario are counting on our provisional government to do.