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Commentaire fait au nom

Regional Municipality of Durham, Works Department

Statut du commentaire


Please accept these comments on behalf of the Regional Municipality of Durham, Works Department

1. Is there any accommodation for reuse of salt impacted soil on roadways with in 30m of waterbody since it is expected that salt will continue to be applied in these areas part of winter maintenance?
2. Does temporary storage of soil associated with an infrastructure project that is intended for reuse at another infrastructure project have the same timing restriction as a class 2 soil management site (2 years with max. 5 years extension) or it could be extended longer than 5 years?
3. Do infrastructure project exemptions focus on Section 3-5 of the planning requirements, require clarification. Provide some clarity on what exactly would be exempted?
4. The mapping studies, who is taking the lead and whose responsibility is it to begin this mapping process? Should a provincial entity be overseeing this concept?
5. More guidance required on aggregate reuse on projects
6. What about aggregate reuse depots, please clarify on PCA (Potential contaminating activities) and APEC (Areas of potential Environmental concern) relating to roadway aggregate?
7. Will MECP issue a guidance document in future?
8. Please clarify the landfilling restrictions would not apply to class 1 Soil management sites?
9. Please clarify what would be subject to one year storage time limit for aggregate reuse sites?
10. Provide clarification on the quantities of liquid soil storage and the usefulness of small liquid soil volume?
11. What are the storage requirements when excavated soil is moved to temporary storage site and will be brought back to the project area?