If this wind farm was…

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If this wind farm was completed as contracted, many hundreds of acres of farmland would have remained as such for the coming decades, given that the landowners would be able to count on some income from their wind energy leases to keep the land as it is now. Without such income, the land could be parceled off for residential or other developments that would be harmful to habitat, flora and the overall environment . In addition to these risks, there was a parcel of 72 hectares that was dedicated by one of the landowners for the distinct purpose of planting native grasses and flowers to support threatened species of birds and attract butterflies and insects. Without the income from the wind turbines, they will have to put that land to other income generating uses so it will be plowed under. Everywhere in the world where windfarms exist they provide stable farmland and natural habitat due to the stable incomes for landowners. Sadly, this won't happen here in our home ward of South Marysburgh and nearby Athol Ward if this wind farm is torn down, so mega-homes will continue to blot our landscape and increase the burgeoning carbon footprint of Prince Edward County.