As a land use planner my…

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As a land use planner my comments/concerns related to the protection of our lands. Most importantly the protection of our lands in sensitive areas (Oak Ridges Moraine, Green Belt, Watersheds) to be free of aggressive development, especially development that will contribute to further contamination of the surrounding lands and waterways.

There is plenty of areas within cities (identified within the places to grow act) which can tolerate and accommodate further intensification. This should be the primary objective of this government, to facilitate and encourage the "infilling" of existing communities so as to not continually need to plow under yet another farm.

Here, the protection of the Greenbelt is paramount. This province can not afford to lose any more farm land, whether they are productive or not at this moment is not relevant. They should be considered as an asset store. At some point in the near future, as the climate continues to grow more unpredictable across the globe, these lands with extremely fertile soil will be unparalleled.

The best way to both protect our waterways, farm lands and species at risk, is to prevent the destruction of their ecosystems. The best way to do this is to limit/prevent development in these sensitive areas as well as to control/prevent the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides.