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Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the discussion paper on the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

Ontario is home to over 200 species at risk, and those are only the ones which have been thoroughly reviewed. The ESA was created to protect species because of the value that Ontario holds in being a leader and protector against species at risk and their habitats.

The ministry in regards to ESA implementation is throwing a blind eye to its fundamental responsibility. Holding and valuing a mentality of "industry first" diminishes the entire entity of the original ESA created in 2008. The ministry continues to make amendments and create alternatives to regulations that have been put in place to serve and protect our endangered species. We cannot stand by as a society and continue down this path to distraction. Allowing industries this amount of leniency is an injustice when regulations are put in place to avoid harmful and toxic actions.

I believe that a commitment should be made to publishing recovery strategies and other recovery documents in a timely manner. The regulatory exemptions require government assessment and need to continue to be documented. Along side this fact, the public has a right to this information and the proceedings that take place behind closed doors. Often times operations are not required to submit there mitigation plans unless requested to the MNRD. This leaves no opportunity to digest the massive impact their decisions may cause.

In summary, I strongly support the current ESA. It is a powerful piece of legislation that can protect our rarest species and the habitats they live in. I strongly disagree with any proposal to change the ESA that would weaken this. If anything were to be changed, a more rigorous process should be created by the government preceding the approval of an overall benefit to ensure that the species affected are truly receiving an overall benefit. In no shape, way, or form is Ontario a province in which it's overall ecosystem should be put in the shadows. It is our moral obligation as a society to protect continue to be a leader when it is asked upon us and we have the ability and the forces to do so.

Thank you.