Hello, I am a Natural…

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I am a Natural Resources Ecology and Wildlife Management student, and though I am from the US and not even from Canada, I want to give my support for those fighting against this review if it is in fact in favor of limiting wildlife protections and increasing development/industry for the sake of profit. The entire point of the endangered species act is to stop people with that mindset that wildlife is burdensome or at the very least ***protect*** species from people that believe that way. I feel strongly about the environment and its inhabitants and we can not give in to any such decision that does not help these causes. If the act is to be reviewed it should be for the BENEFIT and improvement of wildlife protections, not the other way around! It is a selfish act that will inevitably lead to a domino effect that I PRAY doesnt make it to the US. There must be a middle ground where we can find ways to help economic growth WITHOUT tearing others down in the process, in this case being many beloved species including the endangered ones. I dont support anything that loves to break down the barriers we put up to keep our environment and wildlife in check and I hope that whatever decision is made is the right one.