Hi, I recently found out…

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I recently found out about the proposed changes or themes that are aimed to be changed in the 10 year review of Ontario's Endangered Species Act. I read the discussion paper and am disappointed in the theme it seems to be taking, namely: to remove road blocks for developers and leaving the endangered species to the wayside.

I do not like the direction the Government of Ontario seems to be taking on this and would like to express this to you so you can bring this forward and change or alter the direction this seems to be going.

The part that is especially troubling is 'Challenge" number 3 of Area of Focus #3, on page 5 of the discussion paper. It very clearly lays out the Ontario Governments current knowledge on species at risk - very little. It says that endangered species do not need their habitat protected... this is absurd. This is exactly, I repeat EXACTLY, what endangered species require to survive - to have the habitat that they require to live to be protected so that they can have a chance at increasing their population. The 'general habitat protection' that exists now is not a legally binding protection for species - if their area is referenced lightly it is just saying the type of habitat features they require to survive, there are no actual measures that stop a developer from going in to an area and starting work without proper environmental impact assessment work. It seems that this is exactly what the Ontario Government wants to see happen and it is disappointing.

Stronger habitat protection is needed for species that are endangered or at risk, not weaker. The proposed changes that are highlighted in the discussion paper do not accurately reflect the current knowledge (e.g. science and indigenous traditional knowledge) on the protection of species, and it should be.

Thank you.