While reviews of the…

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While reviews of the Endangered Species Act are necessary, the government of Ontario must take great care to avoid destroying even more habitats and ecosystems of endangered species by opening said areas "up for business."
Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further.
This review won’t help species at risk if it doesn’t address exemptions that make it too easy for business and industry to do more harm to critical habitats. Clearly defined no-go zones protect wildlife – while creating efficiencies for business by making it clear where development won’t be permitted.
We need protections that lead to recovery for species-at-risk in Ontario– we don’t need changes that will drive more species to extinction.
Ontario's natural environments and the diverse and unique animals that inhabit them are living things that should never be taken for granted. Assisting in the destruction of these species and their habitats, for short-term material gains of a few corporations, is both morally wrong and ridiculously short-sighted.
I will not be voting for the Progressive Conservative party of Ontario if it chooses to sacrifice the well-being of Ontario's environment for short-term business profits.
No company, government, or individual can ever claim ownership over the environment or the animals that inhabit it. Instead, what every responsible, democratic government should do is ensure that the natural resources it governs are left better, not diminished, for the next generation of Ontarians to observe and enjoy.