We are part of a species too…

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We are part of a species too. And giving unfettered priority to business will eventually also be to the detriment of our species. Short term gain for the few should not be at the cost of the many nor at cost of future generations.

If we can not not protect the species that have no say, we should not expect that we will have a say unless we belong to the rich and powerful either. Democracy goes beyond letting the mighty dollar determine what gets done and what doesn't when it comes to keep our planet viable for all and for many generations to come. If we can not get better at protecting other species against extinction, we'd better realize that we are unlikely to be the last species alive.

Evolution is a very slow process. If we get extinct, most other mammals, probably all of them will be extinct too. But there are other species which might survive and eventually reach a level of development similar to ours, in millions or billions of years, but under another form, one that might not rely on oxygen or water to the extent we do or not at all. That species may be as alien to our species as the fantasies of aliens from outer space.

Beware of business people running foremost our politics in function of business rather than well being. Leave no one behind. Apply it to other species too.