It is crucial that the…

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It is crucial that the Ontario government prioritize species at risk when making changes to Ontario's Endangered Species Act. Companies have too much ability to gain exemption from the act; commerce should never take precedence over the wildlife with which we share our province, and whom the Ontario government has a duty to protect. All life should have equal opportunity to thrive, and the insatiable pursuit of wealth to the point of the destruction of habitats is both short-sighted and irresponsible. What Ontario's Endangered Species Act needs is to firmly state areas of protected habitats which companies cannot overstep. This will also lead to increased efficiency. It is necessary that the government cease allowing exemptions for companies whose activities are leading to the extinction of numerous species of wildlife. Regarding landscape approaches, I believe it is important invest in areas central to the sustainability of ecosystems, such as pollinator gardens. This would promote the growth of pollinator species which are essential to the survival of all lifeforms. I would suggest a holistic approach regarding implementation, so that, rather than species preservation being an isolated effort, it is integrated into other aspects of legislation. This would move toward greater environmental sustainability, and create jobs in long-term sustainable fields. This is not a political matter, but a fundamental environmental crisis: Ontario wildlife populations are declining with alarming speed, and soon this damage will be irrevocable.