To the Conservative…

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To the Conservative government,

Economic development is not an endless upwards profit curve. Environmental protections are needed and wanted. Yes to carbon tax. Yes to thourough environmental assessments. Yes to consent-based development. No to unfetterred access to natural resources. No to streamlining anything that will make it easier for corporations to continue destroying, killing and poisoning soil, water, flora and fauna.

Systems are interdependent. You cannot take parts out and maintain the whole.

We already have poisoned water and fish and sick and dying people, due to no accountability and no obligation to remediate and regenerate - Grassy Narrows is but one example of so many more.

Respect Canadians. Respect Ontarians. Respect that which you do not own. Respect your elected position to serve those who you represent.

Canada has signed on to the PARIS ACCORDS.

Corporations and their political affiliates are naïve to think money will save them and their future generations from the dire environmental fall out these policies they are enacting are garanteeing.