Globally most species are…

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Globally most species are dying off at an unprecedented rate and Canada (Ontario specifically) is no exception. Any action that effects their environment should be avoided at this point, which means that laws should be becoming more protective not less so. If anything has been proven, it is that we should be working toward constructing more habitat for the multitude of species in decline.
I am aware that I am only addressing one section of the requested input from the citizen body, specifically landscape, but I believe these comments are relevant to all categories up for review.
I will also state that I am a 36 year old father of three children that has already had to explain too many times to my children what "things used to be like" in the 1989's and 1990's for sentimental and demographic reasons. My 13 year old daughter commented to me a few weeks ago, "daddy, I dont know what's worse, growing up and watching everything disappear, or being born in a time when I know these things were real and I just wont ever get to see them." This is a pretty powerful and deeply thoughtful world view.
Thank you for your consideration.