To Whom it May Concern The…

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To Whom it May Concern

The endangered species act is a fundamental protection for biodiversity in Ontario. My hope as an Ontario resident is to see protections strengthened and increased. Development should happen in this province, but it should be upward and not outward. build more condos and towers to feed the housing market, not more urban and suburban sprawl. The green-belt act and the endangered species act are essential in curbing the excessive greed and wanton destruction of our natural areas by developers. The fact that the Ontario Government allowed grandfathering of property into the green-belt act did not show any commitment or support of preserving the natural spaces that protect endangered species. Do not alter this act of provincial parliament for the worse. Alter it for the better, increase protections for endangered species and threatened species or we will face increased hardships, and not just province-wide.
A healthy bio-sphere is instrumental to farmers, as pollinators are the fastest disappearing group of insects dying out. Albert Einstein famously said, if the bees die out, humanity will follow within 4 years. While that prediction is outdated and modern advancements in technology will dampen the result, due to climate-change and mass-extinction we might not be very far from the severity and dire consequences of self induced suicide, as a species.
Please do not change this legislation to favour the rich, wealthy developers that care nothing for the natural health of our ecosystems. Ontarians deserve to observe the natural world unaltered and unchanged. I am against the weakening of protections for endangered species.

Thank You,

Richmond Hill

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