I am very familiar with the…

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I am very familiar with the private sector (I work in it), and I can tell you with 100% certainty the last thing we need is for the process to be more "streamlined" and to make it even easier for developers to remove SAR habitat. As it stands right now, every project I have seen that removes/disturbs SAR habitat has gotten the green light, so long as they purchase the proper permits (and maybe complete whatever offsetting is required, for whatever good that does).

We should be enhancing the ESA to IMPROVE protection of SAR and SAR habitat; it has already been stripped down enough. I am honestly so disappointed with the province. I work very hard to do everything on my end to attain some kind of balance between protecting what little natural habitat we have left, and allowing necessary developments to occur for the sake of the province's population...however, these proposed changes to the ESA make me feel like the province is leaping 10 steps backwards, and totally negating anything me, my colleagues and past governments have tried to do.

STOP CRIPPLING OUR LAWS THAT TRY AND PROTECT OUR *VERY NECESSARY* FLORA AND FAUNA DIVERSITY. DO BETTER! Hire more staff and put them directly in line with the private sector -THAT is a sure fire way to get permits/information requests/ whatever is necessary to make the process faster.