It is absolutely abhorrent…

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It is absolutely abhorrent that hunting and culling are allowed in this day and age with all the data available including the loss of species every day in Canada. Animals need more protections not less. Humans have encroached on their areas and destroyed their natural territories and food sources. Development should not be allowed on greenspace and wetlands not only because this induces flooding and erosion but because there are thousands of species in these areas. Ontario has some of the very best fertile farming land in the country and what government has allowed the developers to do to this nutrient rich soil is despicable. Once paved over, the soil is damaged beyond salvation and the native species decimated. We need live in a symbiotic balance with nature since all systems are connected. The loss of bees might mean no food for example. Any species listed as endangered or in a critical state of population should never be targeted for exploitation. Government needs to act in the interest of civilians rather than corporations.