Ford government: I am part…

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Ford government:
I am part of the Ontario constituents who CARE deeply about protecting the environment. I can read between the lines to see what ‘efficiencies’ and making things easier for business might mean in terms of protecting species that are currently known to be at risk and helping them recover, and also, to identify and protect those that are nearing at risk status. Do NOT loosen regulations to allow developers to skip environmental assessments which will further endanger wildlife - plants, animals, insects, birds and micro organisms — ALL OF WHICH are vital to maintain a healthy balance. Protecting nature is paramount to our own survival. Increase protections now. Sure, if you can make it simpler and easier, do that, but not at the risk of skipping or cheating on rules that protect Ontario’s wildlife. Business can look after themselves, just fine. We must voice our desire to protect those with no voice to protect themselves.
Please also take note that you had no mandate for this and your policies with regard to the environment will be your undoing. You have been vocal in your disregard for our water and environment. Either that or you just do not have the education to realize the connection between the two. Perhaps consult experts, or even a group of ten year olds. However you can’t consult because you fired those experts and the ten year olds. You are taking advice from this you are beholden to for getting you elected. The future of our land, animals and water is vital to our kids. Kids will be here in 30 years but you and your developer pals and most of us won’t. We all see what your end game is and the answer is an unequivocal NO. Ontario is NOT yours, it’s ours and our children’s. So keep your greedy hands off our natural resources and our children’s water. You now have 3 years left before your voted out. You will hear us loudly every day until then and let that remind you of who really is in charge here, it’s the people of Ontario . NOT YOU