Hello, I am a young citizen…

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Hello, I am a young citizen of Canada with a small concern regarding one of the proposed provisions written in the Review, particularly

"Significant social or economic benefit permit, s. 17(2)(d): A significant social or economic
benefit permit may be issued for an activity that will result in a significant social or
economic benefit to Ontario, but the activity would have impacts that are otherwise
prohibited under the Act."

I feel as though worded this way, it opens a dangerous door for large scale companies to potentially cut corners on their safety regulations, giving them away to potentially argue that cut corners will be able to provide significant jobs at the cost of harming an ecosystem. Throughout history, Corporations have proven time and again that they are willing to trade safe and ethical processes if it could make more money in the short term, often resulting in situations like major Oil companies creating large scale disasters that require lengthy clean up. I feel proper regulation of large scale companies is important to the health of Canada, not just ecologically, but also economically and socially, and I frankly would not trust a large scale corporation to always think ethically when deregulated.

I propose taking another look at this particular policy, either cutting it, or being rigorous and highly selective in who gets access to this permit.

Thank you for your time reading this comment