Here we are again on this …

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Here we are again on this "Open for Business not for the People but for the Corporations" attack on the environment.

A disgraceful and blatant attempt to destroy the Endangered Species Act begun by the previous Ontario government.

Four proposals are especially outrageous:

1) Developers will be allowed to pay a fine in lieu of mitigation or on-the-ground recovery plans for the destruction of threatened species and their habitats

2) Newly listed species may no longer receive automatic protection

3) The Minister of the Environment will have authorization to interfere with the decisions of the Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO), the independent scientific panel tasked with assessing the status of species

4) Members of the scientific committee will no longer be required to hold a scientific background

The Endangered Species Act must be strengthened not weakened.

This proposal is UNACCEPTABLE !!