To whom it may concern,…


To whom it may concern,

I am writing in response to the Amendments of Ontario Regulation 242/08 (General Regulation - Endangered Species Act, 2007) relating to forest operations in managed Crown forests, incorporating species recently listed to the Species at Risk in Ontario List, and safe harbour as without this extension there is alot of risk to my Business, my family and our way of Life;

I would like it known that;

•I support the extension to the Section 55 ESA Regulation.

•I support the formation of a multi-stakeholder panel to provide critical oversight and input on a workable solution for the Endangered Species Act (ESA) •However a 2 year extension period is ‎too short. A period of 5 years is more reasonable for a panel to do its work effectively and work through the very complex issues associated with forestry operating under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act and protecting species under the ESA. •The extension must be implemented as soon as possible after the 45 day review period in order to ensure it is in place well in advance of the July expiry of the current Section 55 Regulation. •The result of an inadequate solution to the ESA will be catastrophic wood supply reductions, mill closures, contractors out of business, stranded First Nation investments in the forestry economy, and severe socio-economic and community impacts due to the loss of sustainable employment.

If harvesting activities stop mill closures will ensue and my logging business, TNT Logging, will no longer have a customer. I have personally been in logging for over 3 decade building a large stump to dump contracting company that supports my family and employees 20 or more and pays taxes to the municipality I live in and the ontario and federal government. Not only is there impact with my business there is also my way of life. My family has been farming and logging in this area since 1890 and I demand that considerations are made to ensure that my way of life is also considered when making any decision. I feel that there is a solution to this situation that protects species at risk and preserves my way of life, my business and my community.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Original Comment ID: 212778]