H Section 55 Regulation for…


H Section 55 Regulation for Forestry.

The implementation of the ESA for forestry has been a challenge to Goulard Lumber. We operate our logging operation to secure wood for our mill and others, as well as to assist the Crown achieve its management objectives in its forests. We have incurred additional costs, with doubtful benefit, in our winter logging operations on the French-Severn forest in the name of protecting summer high-land blandings turtle habitat, and I am worried that further regulation will present our operation and employees with additional unintended consequences, including downsizing and layoffs. Goulard lumber directly employs 48 people, with a further 20 contractors working to support our operation.

In reviewing the posting, I see that it also proposes to form an expert panel which includes representatives from northern communities, First Nations, forest professional, and scientists. I support the creation of this panel and I see it as being very important to ensuring that science and the views of the people who live and work in Ontario’s forests are appropriately incorporated into any implementation plan for the ESA. The panel needs to integrate the ESA with the world-class Crown Forest Sustainability Act (CFSA. The CFSA seeks balance in providing for social, economic, and environmental objectives, and has served the province will over the past 25 years, and it can continue by integrating important requirements of the ESA to assist the forest industry to comply in an efficient manner.

I see that the proposal is suggesting a two-year extension to the forestry exemption to deal with the very complex issues associated with the ESA. While two years seems like a long time, I feel that a longer extension period is needed to both allow this panel to fully assess the options available and to provide appropriate implementation advice. An extended exemption period will also provide certainty to the forest industry to encourage investment.

I am very aware that the deadline for the expiry of the current Section 55 Regulation is fast approaching, and I would like to see the exemption extension put into place immediately following the end of the 45 day review period.

Thank you for recognizing the important issues that are at stake with respect to the ESA, Goulard Lumber, our employees and the broader community. I look forward to the positive action that you will take to ensure that the hard-working people of Northern Ontario are properly involved in a workable solution to the amendment to the Act.


Original signed by J. McNutt.

John McNutt, M. Sc. For., R.P.F.

Woodlands Manager, Goulard Lumber

Email copy to Sayla Nordin: Sayla.Nordin@ontario.ca

[Original Comment ID: 213341]