i think this is over all …

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I feel that this is over all ... a step in the right direction... many of
the cottages have been in the park just as long as many of the trees deeply rooted in the rich soil. The cottagers are great for the local trades, and shops. The cohabitation enjoyed by cottagers with nature and wild life is a rare form of beauty to be a part of.

My family has been a part of Rondeau Park for over 70 years. We, along with the other cottagers have formed a unique community that includes people from both sides of the boarder.... a vast span of ages.... and multiple religious and political view points.

As a community we look after each other like family... doing odd jobs for our elderly neighbors... learning how to take tips to care for the natural surroundings from the cottage veterans.

Each family that visits the Chatham-Kent area for cottaging, shops at local stores , gets oil changes and car repairs at local garages, has repairs or upgrades done on the cottages by local trades peoples. We support and are supported by the local population.

I hope to be able to continue to be a part of this community long into the future.

Thank you for your time.