PMRA uses primarily industry…

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PMRA uses primarily industry supplied testing to make decision. We know how that turned out for the tobacco industry, asbestos industry, and all other corporations with an ax to grind.

PMRA is greatly backlogged at present. By federal law, all pesticides are supposed to be re-evaluated every 15 years. The PMRA cannot possibly do this, and they have admitted this. And now the government wants to put assessment in the hands of a single 'Director'??? It is ludicrous to suggest that one government appointed "Director" can make decisions about which pesticides should be added to the cosmetic ban acceptance list. That is an invitation to corruption, ignorance and environmental disaster. We already have too much of that.

PMRA uses different standards to the OPAC. 2-4D e.g. is permitted for lawns (glyphosate) It is NOT permitted under cosmetic pesticide bans

Bioaccumulation testing, as required by the Pesticide Act, Canada, has not been carried out for most pesticides. There is a huge backlog of previous conditional approval pesticides being used now, and there is no timetable for completing their assessments and/or getting them off the market.
Three of the most dangerous neonics have now been slated for removal (experts have called for IMMEDIATE removal- the worst one, Imidacloprid, won't come off until 2021. 'IMMMEDIATE' does NOT mean LATER, when its convenient...

Please do something NOW so that my kids AND YOURS are not poisoned.