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I am writing in to comment on the proposal the Doug Ford Government has brought forward on the Spring Bear Hunt.

I am very strongly against this spring bear hunt. I am all for there being an outright ban on this matter once and for all.

First off, black bears are omnivores, which means their diets consists mostly of vegetation, and barely any meat at all. They are opportunistic, meaning if there is a carcass to feed off of they will. It is uncommon and rare, that a black bear will take down a moose calf.
Bears are not responsible for the decline in our Moose population; habitat destruction, development, and not putting a moratorium on hunting are responsible.

Secondly, the best way to reduce human/bear conflicts is STILL to manage people by making them manage their food waste. This also means doing a MUCH better job of enforcing this. Increase fines for those with issues with managing their garbage etc. Bears are NOT the problem; people are. Ontario needs more Conservation Officers!

Thirdly, females with cubs must be protected; currently that is difficult as cubs are frequently treed or kept away by their mother while she forages for food.
Please tell me what hunter, or any other person for that matter, can tell the difference between a female bear and a male bear? Do you understand just how much suffering and trauma that leaves bear cubs to endure?
It is quite enough that they have to go through this in the Fall, not the Spring too!

Lastly, is this Government considering the impact a spring bear hunt will have on other recreationalists’ safety, and our freedom to explore our beautiful province without fear of being shot? I for one do NOT want Ontario open to Trophy Hunters from all over.

This is a truly barbaric and appalling proposal that needs to stop dead in its tracks.
Abolish this hunt altogether.

The BEST thing you can possibly do for any “population problem” you think there may be with bears is to bring back the BearWise program in its entirety!

Whatever you do, do NOT let this proposed hunt go forward.