Honourable Doug Ford: As a…

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Honourable Doug Ford:

As a long time Conservative Party supporter, I am hoping that you will respond to what the vast majority of voters want and not satisfy the pro-hunting lobbyists.

Therefore, I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. And, please note that even though the previous government callously expanded the Spring Bear Hunt pilot project, they still lost power.

When governments do too much to satisfy lobbyists, like those that promote pro-hunting commercial interests, it’s no guarantee that they will win or keep power. Most Ontarians do not hunt, nor do they support sport hunting. Most Ontarians want our public lands to be free of violence. There is enough cruelty, violence and unnecessary slaughtering of innocent animals. In fact, as more and more countries recognize the need to treat animals with compassion and move to expand the protection of animals, by allowing the spring bear hunt to continue is a poor reflection on this country and this province, and is a big step in the wrong direction.

I urge Ontario Progressive Conservative Party legislators to follow the example provided by former Premier Mike Harris and Minister John Snobelen, when they courageously resisted pressure from hunting lobbyists, a group that does not represent the majority of Ontarians.

Governmental support for sport hunting might gain votes in some ridings, but will surely lose voters’ support in other ridings of Ontario.

A modern province can develop a better tourism plan than inviting non-resident sport hunters who enjoy killing wildlife, animals who have little hope of escape, onto our mutually owned public lands. Ontario’s forests belong to all of us, not just to the businesses that profit from violence against wild animals.

Thank you.