I am opposed to the spring…

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I am opposed to the spring bear hunt because it does not address or resolve the issue of nuisance bears or public safety. Nor would an enhanced hunt as the Minister has suggested in a recent announcement. Evidence abounds from a variety of sources. Since the hunt was based on these 2 premises as per the ERO, the only thing the hunt will do is satisfy outfitters and trophy hunters at the expense of creating orphan cubs left to die a miserable death. This is not an activity that benefits tourists or the community at large, economically, ethically or environmentally. Focussing on ecotourism is the current direction of progressive governments. My person views are not relevant, only the facts are. Here are some of the source documents I used to support my opposition the spring bear hunt: (If you cannot access them, I would be please to email the docs as attachments) Check out the MNR peer reviewed research paper: “Do public complaints reflect trends in human bear conflict ‘ especially the last paragraph on page 140; Nuisance Review Committee Report and Recommendations - URL http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/mnr/ebr/nbrc/ states hunting has no effect on nuisance bears or safety or economics; google Dr. Hererro’s data on bear attacks: Black Bear Fatal Attacks 1900-2003; and, "Correlation of reduction in nuisance black bear complaints with implementation of (a) a non-violent program and (b) a hunt Final Report Presented at 9/21/05 New Jersey Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Black Bear Management Polic Edward A. Tavss, PhD Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey”. There is more information but let’s start with this.

It is based on the premise that individuals have no knowledge of these studies that show: i) the incidences with bears actually DECREASED when the hunt was cancelled and the BEAR WISE program was introduced; ii) that non lethal interventions to promote safety and perceived safety are more effective; iii) that increased hunting, harvests, culls, and other lethal means do not have a positive impact on reducing nuisance bears, or human-bear conflict as confirmed by the MNR’s own biologist Dr. Martyn Obbard.
Empirical data shows neither a spring hunt nor any hunt, has a positive effect in promoting increased safety or diminishing nuisance bear activity. It has been proven though, that the most effective means of reducing human-bear encounters/conflict is EDUCATION.

1.The Ministry of Natural Resources’ own site has a document titled: Black bears rarely attack people. (The black bear is also the slowest reproducing mammal in Canada, not fully mature until 6 years of age and reproducing only every 2 years.)

2.There have only been 7 bear attacks resulting in 4 deaths in the past 100 years. Since the early 1900s there have been fewer than 70 deaths in ALL of North America from black bears. Bears are generally timid animals and injuries and attacks are rare.

3. As a result of the 2003 “Nuisance Bear Review Committee”, Bear Wise was born, designed to prevent and address human/bear conflicts. It was an immensely successful EDUCATIONAL program. Recommendations put forward in 2009 by the current Minister to further improve the Bear Wise Program was shelved. In 2012 the Premier scaled back this already proven program. And, 10 years later, rather than incorporate the recommended enhancements, Bear Wise was dismantled to ‘save money’. The only challenge to its effectiveness came from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, a powerful lobby group.

4.) Furthermore the above Report prepared by MNR staff stated : “Recommendation for a partial re-instatement of the Spring Black Bear Hunt for socio-economic reasons (from Section 9.0)
... the Committee did not find any connection between the cancellation of the spring bear hunt and recent increases in nuisance activity...

5.)More statistics support the Ministry’s own conclusions confirming there was no increase in nuisance bear sitings or in humane wildlife conflict when the spring hunt ended. In Elliott Lake, the year prior to Bear Wise and the implementation of bear resistant containers there were 500 nuisance bears and three shootings. In 2004, there were 87 nuisance bears and NO shootings.

6.) Confirming the findings of the Ministry’s own report was the, ‘The Tavss report Sept 2005 which was presented at the New Jersey Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Black Bear Management Policy: Correlation of reduction in nuisance black bear complaints with implementation of (a) non-violent program and (b) hunt Final Report’. This study included sites in Ontario such as Elliot Lake. It too, came to the same conclusion regarding education. It stressed the value of Bear Wise as an exceptional tool to effectively resolve and prevent human bear conflict.

7.)Although hunters are only supposed to shoot male bears, according to MNR statistics prior to the cancellation of the spring hunt, from the number of females killed approx. 270 cubs were orphaned each year, dying a slow and painful death from hunger. The Ministry did and does not provide any information on how the hunt will be monitored to stop the killing of mother bears with cubs.

8). EDUCATION such as the Bear Wise Program is the real answer to keep both people and bears safe. Bears do not hunt people and bear hunts do not resolve the issue of nuisance bears. It has been proven that the leading causes of bear problems are the presence of residential garbage, food smells, and fruit trees. Being proactive, adopting responsible habits, and learning about bears is the solution.
The spring bear hunt will not control nuisance bears and increase the safety of residents. Reintroduction of educational programs will do more to prevent nuisance bears, and ensure people are protecting themselves by understanding bear behaviour so they can act responsibly.

Increasing tourism through ecotourism and environmentally sustainable activities, will benefit the community as whole, financially and otherwise. It will create more spin off businesses than a spring bear hunt.