The hunting of bears for the…

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The hunting of bears for the most part is for fun not for food as very few people actually eat bear meat these days. I have heard of it from some of my native friends but otherwise not. So this is an unnecessary and cruel "hobby" that should be banned completely. The regulations speak of the hunting of cubs and females with cubs as being banned but at some point a female will make short trips away from her cubs. How are hunters able to determine if she has a cub at that time? We all know that they can't and therefore there are many orphaned cubs left behind who, if they are very lucky, get rescued and rehabbed at the tax payers expense or with public donations ( again at the tax payers expense because who is it making those donations?). Also, how does whoever created these regulations think that baby bears get made? I'll explain it, it takes a mommy bear and a daddy bear. So where is the sense in allowing any bears, male or female, being hunted for their skins, fur or someones big hunter ego?