Regarding the proposed…


Regarding the proposed implementation of new provisions in the planning act that provide higher ministerial authority I am opposed to the described changes. This proposal hinders completely the feedback of local residents and eliminates the authority to the municipality and local elected officials to enact changes based on the residents voice. The proposed changes give more power to the province that lacks municipal experience and knowledge of local issues and will prove at the end harmful to the affected local residents.

Please do not remove municipal use of site plan control. Also, do continue to give notices so that residents have a say. The province should be strengthening accountability by creating a website with any proposed MZOs with a notice period. Fast development of lands should not be a priority of the provincial government but environmental protection, protection of wetlands, forests and farmlands that contribute to prevent flooding, protect water, help in mitigation of climate change, and protect wildlife for our children. Doing otherwise in the name of accelerating construction periods by developers or land owners is short sighted and harms the residents of Ontario and our children's future.

Protection of lands zoned as farmland should continue and not be sacrificed in the name of developers which seems to be the clear intent of this changes. This pandemic has taught us how we should support food supply autonomy in Ontario by supporting their farmlands and leave the zoning planning under our elected municipal government.