This zoning proposal is an…


This zoning proposal is an egregious overstep of power by the provincial government. Under the Ford government, MZO use has been tyrannical in nature, disingenuous in intent and far more aligned with a dictatorship than a democracy.

*If’ MZO’s showed any community engagement, consultation and collaboration, that would be one thing. But it’s not even close and gives enormous power to a few people to do as they wish.

This is unacceptable and must be changed. The MZO at the Foundry is a perfect example of this egregious use of power that completely disregarded city planning and community engagement. It also bypassed their own legislation with regards to heritage sites.

No single person or small cohort (Ford and a couple of his ministers) should be given such absolute power. They have shown time and time again that their interests are self-serving and not representative of the people.

They should not be given, nor granted, such autonomous power that allows a couple select people, making secretive back room deals with developers, to take a wrecking ball to our wetlands, our greenbelt and heritage sites.

A government should reflect its people and engage with them. Not give tyrannical orders that directly contradicts the people and communities it serves.