Population Growth is being…

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Population Growth is being pumped into Wellington County with some communities being asked to double in size by population. That means more demand for water for drinking and for dealing with effluent. Asking for growth is problematic but more so if the groundwater this area relies upon is given away to be removed from the watershed. Deny the permits.

We are in drought conditions now. Farmers are planting crops deeper to try to find the moisture. We have only received about 20 per cent of the rainfall common in spring. We had less snow over this winter, and , when it did rain, it mostly went to run-off as the ground was very hard. We have lost wetlands, the Dundalk Highlands, ponds, minor creeks to agriculture, housing or industry. Our water sponges are just about gone. Please do not give away the groundwater too with short sighted, ignorant decisions. Deny the permits.

You were elected to protect Ontario citizens and environment. This is a consumptive, commercial enterprise that removes water from the watershed and often, from the province. I have seen the trucks daily. Deny the permits.