The Corporation of the…

Numéro du REO


Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

The Corporation of the Township of Dorion

Statut du commentaire


The Corporation of the Township of Dorion is providing the following comments for consideration:

That the Province provide on-going adequate funding to Conservation Authorities to administer provincially mandated natural hazard programming; to complete the provincially mandated strategies and plans that are required; and to administer the mandatory Public Advisory Boards; and

That Conservation Authorities be permitted to decide whether or not Public Advisory Boards are necessary within their area of jurisdiction or alternatively be given the option to request an exception from the Minister; and

That Recreation be categorized as a mandatory program; and

That a copy of this resolution be posted on the Environmental Registry of Ontario; and

That the Inter-Governmental Affairs Committee advocate to the provincial government on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Dorion and the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority with respect to the concerns outlined in this resolution: and

That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Hon. Jeff Yurek, Minister of Conservation, Environment and Parks; Member Municipalities of the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority; Michael Gravelle, MPP-Thunder Bay-Superior North; Judith Monteith-Farrell, MPP-Thunder Bay-Atikokan; and Conservation Ontario.