John Fox, Resource Recovery…


John Fox, Resource Recovery Policy Branch

Hello Mr. Fox

We hope you are doing well and safe.

Would it be possible for you to clarify the proposed target amendment section?

I do not quite understand which is the target in 2023 and 2024, in the sentence quoted below:

"Proposed changes to the Electrical and Electronic (EEE) Regulation.

The proposed changes would:

increase the management target for information technology, telecommunications and audio visual (ITTAV) equipment from 60 to 70 per cent in 2023 and from 65 to 70 per cent in 2024 which will require producers to seek out and manage additional amounts of ITTAV
with these changes there would be only one target of 70 per cent that will start in 2023 and continue thereafter."

Your assistance and guidance are very much appreciated.

Thank you very much and have an excellent day.

I am including my contact information below:

Armando Vazquez