Question 1: - Zoning that…

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Question 1:
- Zoning that excludes multi-residential housing & division of single-family dwellings into multiple units
- Builders & developers outbidding private citizens in order to demolish existing buildings to replace them with something that will yield more profit. This homogenizes neighbourhoods and is incredibly wasteful.

Question 2:
- 6-unit buildings should be as-of-right
- existing homeowners objections -- often based on falsehoods -- should not be allowed to stop such projects (Many Toronto streets, for example, have triplexes & 6-plexes that are no taller than huge new houses)

Question 3:
- Repurposing existing buildings (e.g., churches or factories) maintains pleasing built form variety while providing different housing options

Question 4:
- Make ownership by multiple unrelated people easier