This amendment is a travesty…

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This amendment is a travesty. It directly threatens our water supply, in ways that may take generations to repair. It's impossible to overstate how terrible developing the greenbelt is for the region's water supply. The moraine system in the greenbelt is a natural water purification and treatment system that is nearly irreplaceable. This amendment also poses a threat to food security and agricultural jobs, and promises nothing in return except for more sprawl.

As someone who lives in the GTA, I want more density and sensible planning, not sprawl. Build more "missing middle" development in the GTA, and enhance transit and bicycle infrastructure to make our communities more livable. Re-zone current residential suburbs to allow us to build vibrant communities with local shops and other amenities within walking distance.

This amendment is graft, bad planning, and disregard for public opinion rolled into one disastrous decision. Reverse this direction immediately and start building the communities Ontarians actually want to live in.