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I am strongly opposed to this proposal to remove land from the Greenbelt area for housing development. This would irrevocably harm the small amount of natural landscape and habitat remaining in the Golden Horseshoe area and would lead to significant negative consequences for generations to come. Developing protected natural landscapes is not the solution to housing affordability, especially given that there is no provision being made to ensure the affordability of any of the suggested developments. This can only benefit developers and corporations while harming the people of Ontario and the land on which we live.
Adding some land to the Greenbelt in order to justify removing other land suggests an attitude of treating the natural environment as interchangeable, which it most certainly is not. Add to the Greenbelt, please, but do not add to it just to justify removing other areas!
Housing and affordability are vital concerns, but this short-sighted, destructive, and transparently profit-driven proposal is not the solution.