I am deeply opposed to the…

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I am deeply opposed to the Ford government’s proposed changes to the Greenbelt. I believe that it is a knee-jerk reaction to the “potential” forecast of an increase in immigrant population.

They have simply come up with the quickest idea for housing - build more. They have not taken into account the potential for habitat loss, decline in species, loss of carbon retention, endangerment to drinking water, the ability to feed ourselves (loss of critical farmland) which became so evident during the COVid pandemic with our reliance on foreign food sources…the list goes on.

In addition, the need for housing isn’t more single family dwellings. The need is for affordable, sustainable housing in an already serviced area with access to public transportation. Immigrants and young Ontarians don’t have the big money to put down the deposit needed for a single family dwelling. Immigrants often don’t even have transportation. They need access to public transportation and the kinds of services that urban areas already provide. In addition, building outside of public transit hubs adds more vehicle traffic to an already stressed and polluting commute on our highways.

Ford needs to think outside the box and consider unused commercial properties and light industrial areas that can be rezoned to high density residential. (Brown field development) These properties are already serviced and near to public transit and city services. The vacant land is already there - there is more than enough vacant land available for housing without touching the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is there for a reason. Ford seemed to recognize the importance of the Greenbelt four years ago when he said “We won’t touch the Greenbelt”….four years later he is reneging on this promise blaming the Federal government immigration policy….think harder Doug….you can come up with a better, more strategic and environmentally safer housing plan.

Proposing Greenbelt re-development along the lake in Grimsby for example, with property already owned by a developer, sounds like a back room handshake agreement that comes very close in my opinion, to political corruption.