I understand that our…

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I understand that our population with grow and we need to provide housing but why isn't more being done to stop home developers from racking up prices and making basic housing unaffordable for Ontarians? As well, why isn't their greater taxation being placed on foreign buyers and vacant homes in many of these municipalities? The number of empty homes and lease signs i see in my own neighborhood is growing. These are issues that could be addressed before even having to touch the precious greenbelt. The way this proposal is worded as "adding" space to the greenbelt is very misleading. You are removing land that is not only home to important species and ecosystems but is also important to our watershed, flood prevention, and accessibly greenspace for all. Lastly, where is the public record of a Environmental Assessment of this proposal? Has any indigenous consultation been done? I seriously doubt it with this provincial government. So many questions.....I hope I can get at least one answered. Ultimately, this plan simply lines the pockets of developers and builders and leaves the average Ontario STILL potentially priced out of a home AND losing access to public green space close to where they live.