The original Proposed…

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Grimsby and GO Train Station and Greater Golden Horseshoe Growth

The original Proposed Modifications Map 11 does not show the ‘GO Train’ Station just to the east that is pointed “->” out on the map.

The supporting document map is a mock-up for changes we request to the Proposed Modification Map 11 from the Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan issued by the province on November 4, 2022.

The mock-up identifies:

1. The future Grimsby Livingston Avenue Extension already funded, and EA approved - marked with yellow line.

Illustrating this future transportation asset on Map 11 will provide the reader with an understanding of the existing transportation infrastructure surrounding the immediate area of the future Grimsby GO Train Station.

2. We ask for the parcel of land outlined with a red dashed line to be added/merged with the lands already identified for Greenbelt Removal.

This parcel of land outlined with a red dashed line is within the Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) defined within an 800-meter radius of the Grimsby GO Train Station. The lands already identified for Greenbelt Removal are NOT within the MTSA. This parcel of land outlined with a red dashed line does NOT include the land parcel known as the woodlot.

The provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe requires municipalities to follow the MTSA minimum density target of 150 residents and jobs per hectare for GO Transit rail. Without Greenbelt Removal of the MTSA land outlined with a red dashed line, it will be impossible to meet the standard density outlined by the province for development of a Transit Oriented Community (TOC). The Metrolinx Business Case states ‘TOC is higher density, mixed-use development that is connected, next to or within a short walk of transit stations and stops’ – adding and merging the outlined parcel is what will drive this implementation for Grimsby.

For a further in-depth review of comments in support of ERO Number 019-6216, see previously submitted Comment Id 66031. The supporting document attached in this comment contains arial maps and supporting materials from Grimsby and the Region of Niagara.