The government needs to…


The government needs to rescind this needless attack on our environment in its entirety! This bill is an affront to municipal democracy and to the well-being of Ontarians across the province. We are seeing increased flooding events as a result of climate change. Building in wetlands, and removing the agency of Conservation Authorities in land use and development application reviews will only worsen this, lining the pockets of wealthy developers building multi-million dollar single family homes that will not do anything to solve the housing crisis this bill claims to address. Overriding the power of municipalities and regions to make decisions for their own residents is hardly sticking up for the little guy. Ontario is a democracy, and the people have spoken. This act directly contradicts the work of the province in protecting the environment for the enjoyment of ALL people. We need to build up our cities, the places people live and work, and it has been proven time and time again that we have the land within our existing urban boundaries to do just that. There are so many issues with Bill 23, and I IMPLORE you to listen to the people. We do not want this! Listen to the experts. This is a very bad idea!