I am commenting to implore…

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I am commenting to implore the Ontario Conservative government to abandon Bill 23 and the irreversible damage it will do to the province's wetlands and ecological integrity. While Ontario needs more housing, it is imperative that we proceed with sustainable solutions that consider long-term impacts and consequences. This bill will allow for virtually unrestricted development in sensitive wetland habitat which are critical to the survival of countless Threatened and Endangered species, and which provide crucial ecosystem services such as flood protection and carbon sequestration. Over 70% of Ontario's wetlands have already been destroyed by agricultural and urban development. Species-at-risk that depend on these wetlands cannot sustain further loss of habitat. Bill 23 will single handedly lead to the extirpation of species from their Ontario ranges, undermining the ecological integrity of our ecosystems. We do not exist in a vacuum and humans cannot survive without a functioning ecosystem providing services to us. This has been demonstrated time and time again, as climate change ravages our planet and natural disasters become more and more frequent. An ecosystem missing some of its members will not serve us in a way that is sustainable for future generations. The Ontario Conservative government’s proposal to allow developers to build in wetlands is irresponsible to say the least. These wetlands absorb runoff and are critical to reducing and mitigating flood impacts. As climate change increases the frequency and severity of storms, wetlands will be more important than ever for absorbing runoff. By building on wetlands, not only will developers be building houses that are prone to flooding, risking the health and safety of their occupants, they will also be increasing the risk of flooding for existing homes in the surrounding area. Elevated runoff into nearby water bodies will also increase pollution, potentially contaminating community water sources and poisoning aquatic wildlife. Furthermore, in this era of climate action, Bill 23 will increase Ontario’s carbon output. Wetlands sequester carbon by preventing its breakdown in waterlogged soils. By draining wetlands for development, all of the carbon currently stored in the wetlands will be released to the atmosphere via decomposition and contribute to the world’s accelerating climate crisis. Artificial wetlands cannot, under any circumstances, serve as a substitute for natural wetlands; they cannot provide a similar level of services due to stark differences in their physical properties and much reduced biodiversity.

This policy is incredibly short-sighted and irresponsible. Who will help the families who move into these homes and experience flooding, or the families who have lived in their homes for decades and suddenly experience flooding because the ground can no longer hold enough water? If Ontario needs more housing it needs to be done right; we need to focus on building up not out, and development should only occur in upland areas. Conservation Authorities should not be muzzled – they should be able to share their expertise in order for politicians and authorities to make the best-informed decisions. Ignoring the facts about environmental health, climate change, and biodiversity loss, will only harm us in the long run. Do not let the short-term profit of a small number of people outweigh the health and safety of our entire province in the long-term.