I have a few comments I…

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I have a few comments I would like to make regarding the proposed alterations to the greenbelt:

-While I understand that the minimum is exceeded, More should be added in compensation for the areas removed. It really should be more then double.

-The particular choices of location are not optimal, many seem fairly detached from built up areas, but this step should only be taken if it is right up against already built up areas. Locations 2, 4, 6, 9, and 10 (numbers from reference map) seem particularly unsuited.

-Given the special allowances being made greater demands should be made as to the form of any developments. Much higher density should be required, 50,000 homes is not enough for that amount of land. Also there should be a limit to the size of individual houses, and some design requirements.

-Given the fairly unexpected change that will considerably increase the value of these lands a windfall tax should be applied to anyone selling or developing the them. This could be scaled in such a way to encourage smaller more affordable units.