The Frontenac Arch Biosphere…


The Frontenac Arch Biosphere Network is a not-for-profit organization working to promote sustainable livelihoods and strengthen the conservation of biodiversity in Eastern Ontario. Effective conservation is vitally important because biodiverse ecosystems attract tourism, an industry that provides the basis for commerce and jobs in this region. However, this biodiversity is increasingly threatened by climate change and unprecedented rates of species loss.

We are following expert guidance developed by Canada's Pathway to Target 1 initiative (see link) to assess the effectiveness of conservation measures in our region. Through this process, we have identified that protections offered by Conservation Authorities under the Planning Act are crucial for sustaining the biodiversity and ecosystems on which our communities depend.

Proposed changes to the Planning Act that would severely undermine the effective conservation of our local environment include:

o limiting conservation authority (CA) appeals of land use planning decisions and
o broadening the ability of Conservation Authorities to dispose of land.

The proposal to remove the requirement for Conservation Authority Permits for development projects eliminates a significant layer of protection for important wetlands and waterways. Our assessments have determined that a single layer of protection provided by the official plans and zoning by-laws of municipalities is NOT sufficient to ensure the long-term and effective conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Also, conservation measures must be in place for the long term to be considered effective. If CA land ownership is easily overturned, the conservation of any of their properties cannot be effective.

These changes would remove the important protections provided by the Conservation Authorities to significant habitats and ecosystems in our region. According to the expert guidance mentioned above, biodiversity requires multiple overlapping long-term protections.