I enthusiastically support…

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I enthusiastically support this proposal for several reasons:
-The "Greenbelt" tramples on the rights of individual owners to enjoy and purpose their property to its highest best use in many circumstances(particularly those lands which are directly adjacent to public services ,urban boundaries, and are inefficient/undersized/unable to farm properties) I personally find myself in this circumstance-see attached
-the need for housing is well documented, as is the evidence of where the population wants/needs to have housing available. Municipalities have long been aware of this but have chosen to restrict and retard many potential developments in favor of Nimby'ism and community optics and pressure.
-The condition to have shovel ready sites by 2025 is a great way of preventing land banking by developers and clearly shows the governments intent to move ahead with creating housing
-The 1:1 offset is a positive way of still maintaining the intent of the Greenbelt without sacrificing land mass and making use of some of the lands previously within the Greenbelt that in hindsight were illogical and poorly considered to begin with and didn't consider the housing and infrastructure pressures we face today
-There is little to no alternatives in the face of 1.5 million immigrants coming to Canada in next 3 years-there literally is no other choice
-I would encourage the Government to further explore limiting municipal approval and regulatory approvals-unfortunately they have proven short sighted in their planning and are too often unduly influenced by community advocacy groups which are often in essence little more than Nimby'ism
-I encourage the Government to exercise more oversight and influence over the proposed municipal plans particularly when it comes to expansion (such as they did with Ottawa and Hamilton)
-I would encourage the Government to limit appeals and the influence that individuals and community groups can have on applications. Simply, there is something unfair about people who already own a home preventing/delaying a potential project from providing much needed housing to others who need a home
-Individuals,advocacy groups etc are great for feedback and input but they should in no way have the amount of influence and power that they have enjoyed over councils and potential developments to the point where their input has more influence than the landowner
-Encourage the Government to do a better job of communicating that all these front end costs are not borne by the developer, they are passed down to the consumer(like any product,i.e. "our children"). No developer pays for applications, appeals, environmental studies, or the actual buildng cost, this is a fallacy and I still read newspaper opinions/articles where people comment "make the developer/builder pay"... it makes me laugh but someone needs to tell people this.

I have attached a sketch of a small parcel of land I own adjacent to a urban boundary and service . The North Side of the road is draft plan approved, some wise planner decided to arbitrarily draw in the Greenbelt boundary on the opposite side thus excluding my property from potential development. Access for large farm equipment and the size of the parcel exclude it from farming. I ask, how much sense does that make with existing services/infrastructure and urban boundary adjacent?