Simply put, the removal of…

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Simply put, the removal of designated areas from the existing Greenbelt for development is environmentally disastrous as it will impact more than the footprint being so declassified. All evidence supports this conclusion. The plan trade off of designating other lands to the classification of Greenbelt is poorly researched and does not come close to compensating for the loss of existing Greenbelt lands or the environmental damage that will be caused. Indeed, what needs to take place is a preservation of all existing Greenbelt lands and increasing this footprint to include additional lands to protect fragile and irreplaceable lands and water resources, including subterranean groundwater.

More significantly, the provision of information on the government’s determination to change the footprint of the Greenbelt to developers prior to the announcement of the government’s intention is tantamount to “insider trading”. This is especially problematic given that identifiable developers also are financial supporters of the government. I would posit that this is not only unethical but illegal.

The government had repeatedly promised that the Greenbelt was a protected area that would not be placed in jeopardy of being developed. The government has lied to the voters of Ontario and committed what is nothing less than a travesty of Justice. I demand as a citizen of this province that the government remind its plan to develop the Greenbelt. I further demand that the government take meaningful steps to expand the Greenbelt to take into account current and future threats to environmentally sensitive lands and water resources, including subterranean groundwater. This review should include a pause in the implementation of Bill 23, which will significantly impact the Greenbelt.