I believe the proposal is an…

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I believe the proposal is an unnecessary destruction of Greenbelt land. The issue in Ontario is not quantity of housing, it's the cost of housing. All this proposal does is

(a) destroy land that had been set aside specifically not to be developed

(b) shatter trust in the current Ontario government as they swore up and down they would not touch the Greenbelt,

(c) cast suspicion on the government and potential corruption within, given the recent purchases of land on the Greenbelt by Ontario PC donors before Bill 23 was even suggested (see also (b).)

(d) fails to make any meaningful changes to housing affordability in Ontario

Additionally, the development of the Greenbelt was specifically NOT included in the 55 recommendations made by the government's own task force. They even state

"A shortage of land isn't the cause of the problem. Land is available, both inside the existing built-up areas and on undeveloped land outside greenbelts. We need to make better use of land."

So, I would love an explanation of why the government is ignoring the task force's findings.