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Thank you for the opportunity to submit my thoughts on this Bill that changes the Greenbelt Plan. I am opposed to the Bill 23 for the following reasons relating to the Greenbelt:

1. The Province has access to approximately 85,000 acres of land for development outside of the Greenbelt lands right now and does not need to carve out anything of the Greenbelt. Thousands of houses have already been approved for development on the lands available outside the Greenbelt. Focus on getting those houses built without touching the Greenbelt lands.
2. The lands that the Bill sets out will be swapped with the Greenbelt lands are already protected. The Bill is not creating new protected lands, but depleting them.
3. Affordable housing will not be developed on the Greenbelt lands but rather very expensive houses for most likely very wealthy existing home owners. More hugely expensive homes are not needed and in particular are not needed instead of the Greenbelt that protects our clean water sources and fertile farmlands.
4. The Greenbelt was established to protect very important farm lands and wetlands from development. The farmlands are some of the best growing soil in the country and the food grown there feeds the citizens of Ontario. To turn it into concrete and buildings is wrong and unforgivable. The wetlands protect important species that contribute to the health of our air, water and lands. And the wetlands protect our necessary clean water sources.
5. This plan was not mentioned during the recent provincial election campaign, less than 6 months ago!! The most recent provincial election had the lowest elector turn out ever in the Province of Ontario! The people of Ontario have not given this government the mandate to destroy protected lands to respond to a housing crisis that has been around for decades!