Good afternoon I am…

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Good afternoon

I am strenuously opposed to the proposal to remove broad sections of land from the greenbelt for the purpose of housing development.

First, the proposal to do this represents a reversal of a clear commitment made by the Premier prior to the last election. That commitment served to inform the voting decisions of many Ontarians, including within my household. The abrogation of this promise is anti-democratic.

Second, sacrificing the greenbelt to urban sprawl will degrade the quality of life for future Ontarians. The never-ending sprawl that is occurring with the GTA is not only destroying integrated ecosystems, it is making this part of the country less and less desirable to live.

Third, the rationale that the lands proposed to be transferred are adjacent to serviced lands is riduclous. If the proposal goes through, there will be other lands adjacent to the newly serviced lands. This decision will support the continued chipping away of our valued greenbelt.

Fourth, the argument that we need to the land to house new immigrants is ridiculous. Setting aside that an option to press the federal government to reduce immigration levels has not been discussed (in my view, a public debate on population growth goals needs to be had), there is clearly sufficient green field and brown field space to support near and medium term growth forecasts.

This proposal would sacrifice important greenspace and perpetuate sprawl that saps quality of life for Ontarians. And, if makes a mockery of our democratic process through which leaders are chosen on the basis of promises made prior to an election.

The proposal must be retracted.