I’m entirely opposed to the…

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I’m entirely opposed to the More Homes Built Faster bill because
• It sets the context for giving the development industry, an already over-powerful and wealthy sector, more power to over-ride local wishes and greater ability to accrue wealth at the expense of the tax-payer.
• It permanently damages vital protected lands which are essential to maintaining a healthy and balanced environment
• It does nothing to make housing more affordable for ordinary families and individuals.
• It sets the context for chaotic regional development by denying regions the responsibility for co-ordinating municipal planning
• It denies citizens the ability to forcefully oppose local development that’s not in keeping with their community’s needs

1. The existing protection of environmental lands was established to provide long-term if not permanent protection of undeveloped areas for the benefit of the environment, climate, and local population. This bill destroys any faith citizens may have in governments protecting them from rapacious development. There’s plenty of land within urban areas that need re-developing, and the money required to do so can easily be found by dropping multi-billion plans that destroy our heritage, reduce the ability to benefit from natural eco-systems, and impoverish the quality of our lives and communities. The assertion that this bill provides the only way to achieve the 1.5 million houses Ontario requires is nonsense; redevelop brown sites, underused industrial/retail areas instead.

2. As a new Canadian, formerly living in the UK, I was very impressed with the system of development charges that forced developers to contribute significantly to the infrastructure required to turn any new building project into a functioning community. The loss of development charges income is totally contrary to the premise of a government that has a reputation for wanting to reduce the burden of taxes on citizens. Housing development is one sector that isn’t short of large profits and there’s absolutely no rationale for reducing their responsibility to build the infrastructure to support the buildings they construct. No-one can suppose that they don’t pass the costs onto the house-purchasers, and removing development charges won’t reduce house prices generally because the new housing is only a small element in what affects overall prices.

3. Conservation authorities are there to maintain and protect conservation areas. They can only do this if their powers include the right to grant or withhold developments on their lands on the grounds of conservation and pollution.

4. Niagara Region will lose its planning responsibilities. No municipality is an island: it lives and breathes through interaction with its neighbours, and it’s essential that there is a co-ordinated and consistent planning strategy to make the region’s infrastructure and communities prosper.

5. It’s essential that citizen’s have the right to have their views listened to at the highest level of relevant government. By denying citizen’s the right of appeal to the OMB, this act destroys their right to participate in determining the future of their communities.

6. All in all, this act is a cynical move to give the construction trade more ability to build irresponsibly and at less cost to themselves. There is no benefit to families whose earnings can’t cover rent without dire effects on other vital subsistence expenses.