The Greenbelt was intended…

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The Greenbelt was intended to permanently preserve Greenspace and agriculture - NOT to be a flexible area that could be adjusted every time a developer wanted to buy a chunk to make a pile of money. Housing is a worthy objective but NOT on the existing Greenbelt and there are plenty of other and better options. Options that do not increase urban sprawl, options that will provide more affordable housing. This is what Ontario needs - NOT more high priced mansions on sensitive lands best kept green and in agriculture. The conservatives were "caught out" before the 2018 election doing meetings with major donors to the party that were developers and the conversation regarding the re-drawing of Greenbelt boundaries was discussed and made public. Thank goodness that in this case the media were doing the job that is needed and expected of them. Consequently - After this and before the 2018 election, this secret dealing was made public. The Ford campaign then backtracked and promised that they would not touch the Greenbelt and yet ... Here we are 4 plus years later with the Ford government appeasing their developer friend$ by giving them the border adjustments that they want for their ecologically destructive projects. It is a cash grab facilitated by the Ford government that is NOT in the interests of most Ontario citizens. Ford has been caught out once already and his plan was shut down and now he is trying it again. STOP HIM - AGAIN!