The province has failed to…

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The province has failed to demonstrate need based on any transparent criteria or evaluation. The only criteria appears to be that the landowner asked and had influence upon politicians. Were removals the province’s idea or the landowner?

Areas in Maps 2 & 5 have already had Greenbelt land downgraded from prime agriculture to rural. Maps 2&4 have already received special treatment through adjacent MZO approval. Now we are finding land transactions before and after land use decisions that increase land value. Is the province interested in getting houses built or just up-zoning to increase land value and facilitate the landowner’s ability to obtain financing?

That your letting hospitals and other community needs be held out like bait to justify surrounding housing development on the Greenbelt in King is unethical. The government should not condone this predatory development and let Southlake’s site selection be completed in the absence of political interference.

All of these removals abutt or are on floodplains it’s why the lands are protected.

I don’t understand how MMAH is compliant w/ the Greenbelt Plan review process or what allows developers to ask for these removals outside of the 10 yr review period.

The amount of land that York Region has brought in for development, on top of the never ending employment conversions, is well beyond growth targets. We don’t need these removals so why is the province appeasing a handful of landowners over and over.

Is this how the GB removals where identified, submitted comments through the ERO on other postings?…