ERO Number: 019-3685 We are…

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ERO Number: 019-3685
We are proposing to amend the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, and associated regulations, to allow for the issuance of licences of new dog train and trial areas, and to allow the transfer of licences.

My husband and I are both houndsmen who own a small kennel in Southern Ontario. We started trialling approximately four years ago and quickly fell in love with the sport. Although it is a competitive sport, we have met several wonderful people who not only welcomed us to the sport but who took the time to help us learn and grow with our dogs.
As an animal lover in general, I am able to understand both sides to the argument of amending this bill. There are may people out there that assume this sport is barbaric and we all gather to watch our dogs hunt and kill wildlife that are held captive in a fenced area. This is NOT the case. During a trial, the amount of dogs allowed in an area is capped and there are always humans spread throughout the area who not only judge the participating dogs and their skills but who monitor the areas and can intercept if by chance a dog does come into close contact with the wildlife. Although it has happened, we do not like to see any animals hurt and do everything in our power to prevent this from happening. Trial/Training areas are typically full of people who love the sport and their dogs alike. Most houndsmen grew up trialling dogs with their parents and grandparents; this is a tradition for most. It is truly enjoyable to watch the children of my fellow houndsmen engage with the dogs and learn about the sport. Please don't let this tradition die. I agree that there should be strict guidelines for pen owners, please give them a chance to prove to everyone that this sport is not abusive in any way shape or form to either the hounds who are hunting or the wildlife that is being hunted. Those who do not agree with the amendment of this bill should be introduced to this sport the way I was because then they could better understand what transpires during a trial and be able to see the whole picture and not just the part of they have fabricated in their heads to be evil and abusive.
As mentioned above I am an animal lover. If we look at the bigger picture, dogs of all breeds should be engaged in outdoor activities, they are not meant to be kept indoors laying on couches; this is unhealthy for K9s. My husband and I treat all of our dogs as family. They are very well taken care of and I wish you could see the excitement when they know they are going to the penn to run off their energy and hone in one their hunting skills.
For me this is a harmless sport that does not affect the community or any other person outside of the hound community.